About us

       Shrink Wrap Unlimited was founded by Mike Greenwell in the spring of 1984.  Fresh out of college I had my degree, very little experience, no credit, and even less money. With these factors in my favor I made the determination that founding a company in a business that no one had ever heard of,  providing a service that no one even knew they needed, was clearly a visionary idea. I learned many, many lessons from those lean years, all of which I carry with me to this day. Determining how to do much with very little is both humbling and gratifying. Now you, my clients, are positioned to receive the benefits our 25+ years of experience.  Much has changed since our humble beginnings but what hasn't changed is my personal commitment to provide our clients with the finest workmanship, products, and service, executed on budget and on time. I personally oversee every project we undertake and we have never missed a deadline!      

       Shrink Wrap Unlimited is in the business of protecting items of value from the elements for both storage and/or shipment.  We use only virgin polyethylene shrink films which range in thickness from 6 ml. to 12ml. and fire retardant as well as rust inhibiting shrink films are available. Shrink Wrap Unlimited utilizes a non-taping, strapping method of application which assures the cover's integrity without the downside of applying tape to the item being protected. Shrink wrap covers which are non-transport, storage only applications are ventilated to prevent condensation and its side effects. Zippered access doors are available for most applications. There is virtually no limit to the variety and number of items which are capable of being preserved and protected by our processes. Personal household items, idle construction equipment, machinery, boats,missile defence systems, aircraft, and even entire buildings can and have been shrink wrapped by our experienced applicators. Shrink Wrap Unlimited has had the honor and distinction of shrink wrapping helicopters from the presidential fleet in Washington D.C.

Presidential Blackhawk

       Our services are particularly useful to the transportation industry. Item(s) being shipped arrive at their destination in virtually the same condition prior to being shrink wrapped. Therefore, dirt, rain, diesel smoke, bird droppings, and road debris are prevented from coming into contact with your valuable property.  The shrink wrap cover also allows the item(s) being transported to maintain a certain amount of "anonymity" which is extremely helpful in reducing theft and vandalism. 

       Shrink Wrap Unlimited is completely mobile with our focus on delivering oustanding service to the Midwest states, however we have and are capable of delivering that same high quality, on-time-service to all of the U.S.A., Canada, and Mexico.  Items protected by Shrink Wrap Unlimited have been shipped to numerous countries worldwide.

       I personally look forward to speaking with you to determine how Shrink Wrap Unlimited can assist your company in protecting your valuable property thereby reducing loss, increasing profitability, improving product quality, and ultimately maximizing customer satisfaction.

Thanks and Blessings,

Michael V. Greenwell

President, Shrink Wrap Unlimited

Transported Motoryacht

